


Jeep, Bus

Max Altitude

4023 m

Air Ticket


Bublimating or Lady Finger Peak (6000 m) is a distinctive rock spire in the Batura Muztagh, the westernmost sub range of the Karakoram Range in Pakistan. It lies on the southwest ridge of the Ultar Sar massif, the most southeasterly of the major groups of the Batura Muztagh. The whole massif rises precipitously above the Hunza Valley to the southeast. Bublimating, while having little prominence above the saddle with nearby Hunza Peak, is particularly notable for being a sharp, relatively snowless rock spire among snow peaks. This, combined with its height above the valley, makes it quite eye-catching; hence the distinctive name. It provides a 600 m (1830 ft) rock climb (with a very serious alpine approach) and has been the scene of some notable paragliding.

Day 1
Arrival, pickup by bus to hotel
Day 2
Sightseeing city, local guided tour
Day 3
Drive 50 KM via reserved bus
Day 4
Set up camp, prepare
Day 5
Trek through arid landscapes and remote settlements
Day 6
Cross the difficult terrain
Day 7
Explore remote village and turquoise lake
Retrace steps back to earlier camp
Day 9
Back to city
Day 10
Trip concludes
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20


  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash.
  • Hair brush or comb, hair ties, barrettes/bobby pins.
  • Deodorant.
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Sunscreen and face lotion with SPF.
  • Night time Moisturizer/Lotion.
  • If under any medication, enough stock

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